Choose Your Forklift
Forklift is a small industrial vehicle, having a power operated forked platform attached at the front that can be raised and lowered for insertion under a cargo to lift or move it. Forklifts serve the needs of various industries including warehouses and other large storage facilities.
Forklifts are powered by electric battery or combustion engines. Some Forklifts allow the operators to sit while driving and operating the machine while others require the operator to stand. It is being extensively used throughout the industry for transporting materials and goods
How do Forklifts work?
Forklifts Derive their Power from two Entwining Mechanisms:
- A Pair Of Hydraulic Cylinders
- A Pair Of Roller Chain Pulleys
- Controls

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- The lift handle is attached to an electrical air pump at the base of the forklift. Once the handle is pressed, it triggers the air pump that draws the outside air through a filter and forces it into a tube reaching to the hydraulic cylinders.
- A hydraulic cylinder comprise of a hollow tube closed at one end with a flexible lubricated piston fitting into the other. Air gets entrapped through the base of the cylinder that allows gasses to enter without leaking them out.
- The volume of gas in the cylinder raises the pressure inside it. The pressure applied to the area of the piston head generates an upward force. This force causes the piston to move up, increasing the volume of the gas and minimizing the pressure. It creates physical equilibrium at the forklift height and an equivalent force from the Gas and the Forklift’s Load.
How to choose a Forklift?
Some plasma cutting tools are capable of doing both, going from handheld to mechanized cutting and back again. A few systems include a CNC interface and internal voltage divider, providing more options for mechanized applications
Forklift Maintenance and Repair
Most of us have had the dreaded experience where a problem develops with our car, but when we take it in for service the technician cannot repeat the issue. Too often we are sent on our way without resolution, in a questionably safe vehicle. This same issue occurs with forklifts and other industrial trucks.
Modern lift trucks are not entirely different from automobiles; they are equipped with sophisticated computer systems, including diagnostic error codes. Service and repair of these vehicles requires a high degree of training and technical expertise.
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Our experts are often retained in cases where an earlier malfunction in a lift truck could not be repeated by the service technician and was put back into service without repair.
When these same vehicles are involved in incidents, our experts are tasked with determining whether or not the malfunction was a contributing cause in the incident and if the lift truck was properly diagnosed and serviced before being returned to service.