SINCE 1976

Over 30 years experience in machine rental

Lincoln Machinery Pte Ltd is ISO 9001 : 2015 certified . Our quality policy is to strive for continual improvement in offering quality services and products to our customers .

Our company is characterized by our ability to learn , to innovate and to implement new technology thereby improving our service quality for the benefit of our customers .



find the equipment you need


customized machines for complex tasks


let us service your machine for a peace of mind


our customers talk

  • We are receiving good support for the equipments that are rented to us from Lincoln Machinery.

    K Kumaravel, Assistant Maintenance Manager Oiltanking Singapore Limited
  • My contact personnel was quick to respond and was very supportive. Excellent job!

    M.Hedmar, Project Manager AZZ Speciality Welding
  • The response was fast and quick. We received excellent service!

    T K Kang, Manager CFE Engineers Asia Pte Ltd

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Just some of our industry partners

Why not tell us what you need?
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